Inhale the Dream, Exhale the Doubt: Setting Goals in the New Year with Self Care

Emily Bezak Writes
5 min readFeb 21, 2021

By: Kiara Cooper

Attaining goals is like having your own business and time management is at the center of it all. You don’t always have a plan for each new year but it is always nice to make a plan to show your growth. Sometimes you need a little motivation and that can go a long way.

Tired of The New Year, New Cliche

The start of the new year is often a positive vibe to start anew where people can reflect on the past and see how far they’ve come. As humans wanting to connect, we often want to rectify certain things about ourselves for the new year. It’s usually not long before we’ve come to the realization that we haven’t changed anything.

Basically, I doubt the fact that the flip of the calendar will suddenly be the motivation for individuals to change their ways. It takes 21 days to build a habit and quite frankly it is hard to get to 14 days sometimes.

I, for one, never fully finished my goals for 2020 so I plan to take them to 2021 with additional tasks and boundaries. I’m sure I’m not alone in my resolutions and goals getting ‘side-tracked’ in 2020. We get sucked into the “you only live once” motto that we live every day, not planning or expecting differences.



Emily Bezak Writes

Pittsburgh based freelance writer. And I write compelling marketing content for companies and startups with big growth goals.